This now ubiquitous logo emerged when the greetings card company Hall Brothers, founded in 1915, evolved their family-owned business from a door-to-door sales operation into an ambitious retailer. In 1927 the brand 'Hallmark' was contrived from the family name and with a deliberate reference to the ancient practice of 'hallmarking' precious metals and jewelry in London as an assurance of quality and providence.
The original logo only featured the a script wordmark, with the distinctive crown device being added some years later. The logo has remained essentially unchanged since the 1950s but has been the precursor to a number of variants as the business became involved with TV sponsorship, production and broadcasting. This traditional, signature-style trademark remains an explicit branding statement to communicate the emotive, personable and family oriented ethics of the business. In North America it can be seen on more retail outlets than McDonald's.
Year: Unknown
Category: Other
Style: 50s60s70s
Design: Unknown
Continent: Unknown Country: Unknown
Rating: 6
Overall: #36 (/1792)
In its category: #1 (/27)
Based on 9721 votes