Calculate your logiQ* here!
When you start this test you will be presented with a set of eight (slightly obfuscated) logos like the ones in the example below.
Now with each logo, please fill out the correct name (you will be helped with the spelling a bit here) and try to finish in time.
When you filled out a name with each logo, hit the button and your logiQ* will calculated accordingly.
Who knows you'll score a very high logiQ* and you'll make it into our highscore tables!
Enjoy and GoodLuck!
Your logiQ is a quotient of how well you recognize various world-famous
logos compared to the median recognizability of these (obfuscated) logos.
The current logiQ100 value is 40.6%.
LogiQuizz was started 655,289 times, got submitted correctly 320,542 times and got submitted invalidly 132,873 times.
294 banned submits.