You think this one is simple? No way, try to find the arrow in the '-Ex' part of the FedEx logotype. Using negative space to create this arrow which illustrates positive motion. And kind of expresses the A to B character of an express delivery service. Already see it... We'll bet you'll never look at a Fed Ex truck the same way again!
In its May 15, 2003 35th Anniversary “American Icon” issue, Rolling Stone Magazine ranked it as one of the 8 best logos of the past thirty-five years. Along side Apple, Coca-Cola, Nike, IBM, Starbucks, McDonald’s and Playboy.
The logo is designed by Lindon Leader, in 1994 working as a Senior Design Director at Landor Associates.
Currently Leader has his own design company Leader Creative.
For more information, see:
Wondering what the old logo looked like?

Fedex Vehicles |
The Federal Express logo 'FedEx' is a portmonteau.