This very simple, yet very strong logo is the logo for the Belgium movie channel Canvas. The open square indeed represents a canvas. A dynamic canvas. Apart from being a simple and strong logo, the logo also meets the requirements for a good TV channel logo which will be displayed ‘inscreen’. It does not attract your intention from the actual content and yet it the TV channel well branded and identifiable.
Early 21st century the logo for Canvas got even simplified further now consisting of only a filled square.
The 2004 ‘key and lock’ BASF logo shows a big similarity with this logo.
Interior Design meets Graphic Design
Long after the 1997 Canvas logo got replaced with its 2008 successor, influences of the 1997 logo can still be seen in 2012. Below chairs in the Dutch TV show 'De Slimste Mens' are shaped to the original Canvas logo as this TV show was bought by Dutch TV broadcaster NCRV from Canvas (including the backdrop).
