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World logo timeline by publication year

Tue Dec. 23, 2008

We would like to share this one with you just for Christmas. When the year 2008 is coming to an end, we think it would be good to graphically see what logos this year brought to us. And because it's almost Christmas why not share this information with you for all logos we have a publication year for.

We hope you like this graphical timeline of logos. Please use the invisible slidebars to the left and right to scroll through logo history. Or use the decennium year hyperlinks. Clicking the logo will get you to the extended information section of the logo. From this information page you can quickly and easily go back to the position in the timeline by clicking the begin year of the logo.

Just one more thing...
We would very much like to extend our timeline with all logos we have and would therefore like to ask you when you know a publication year for a logo, please send it to us by email or using our submit or correct functionality to supply the information.

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