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Fri Jan. 23, 2009

Last week we finally started up a blog to GoodLogo. As a big Wordpress fan and fanatic Alberto convinced me we definitely need this as it’s an ease to maintain and has lots of syndication advantages. Alberto already came up with the fabulous name for the blog in 2005 and actually he’s been telling me about the advantages of Wordpress for over 3 years now. Now as I finally set it up, I wonder why waited so long and regret we didn’t start it up sooner as it’s really great and easy to use.

The blog will be run by Alberto and myself and is intended as a running conversation and discussion of logos. In addition we will try to point to the best links and sites on logos elsewhere on the Internet. It will be a work in progress, that hopefully will grow better with time.

Please check our blog at and join us!

Regards, Frank

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